“Humanity’s greatest challenge is to eradicate extreme poverty without destroying our planet. Our progress will define the fate of humankind in the 21st century.”

Former President Horst Köhler

Horst Köhler in conversation with African junior scientists at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, Lindau, June 2015 (courtesy of Ch. Flemming / Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings).


“Today Africa is a continent of rapid and profound change. We are witnessing a transformation of historic proportions. It is this part of the world that will shape the twenty-first century.”

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Horst Köhler at an event held by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, February 2016 (courtesy of Andi Weiland, Heinrich Böll Foundation, creative commons license, “share alike” 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0), http://creativecommons.org/licences/by-sa/2.0/deed.de).

Sustainability & Transformation

“We can turn the great transformation towards sustainability into a global story of hope: the promise of a life in dignity for all within the boundaries of our planet.”

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Speech by Horst Köhler on Global Partnership and the Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Bonn, May 2014 (courtesy of GIZ / Ute Grabowsky / photothek.net).

Global Partnership

“Interdependence forces us into cooperation: No country, as powerful or as rich as it may be, will be able to sustain its prosperity without taking into account the perspectives of other countries.”

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Eva Luise and Horst Köhler Foundation for People with Rare Diseases

link to German website

Office of the Federal President

Archived website of the Office of the Federal President (2004-2010)

link to English website